Tuesday, June 17, 2014


...an Amanda controlled shoot.  Oh yes.

Josh & Brooke

Today is Brooke's birthday!!!   sooooo.....last month, I had the opportunity to take Brooke and Josh's engagement pictures!  I flew up between weddings for five days and had the time of my life!  They'll get married next April in Sylvester, but we no doubt HAD to do their engagement pictures in NYC.  Questions that I get asked a lot...a LOT :) .....Brooke and I graduated high school together and she is one of my best friends in the whole world....we've known each other forever and she's from Sylvester, too.  She went to school at UGA and when she finished law school, she got a job in NYC and has been there now for 4 years!  She works in Manhattan (you can see Grand Central Station from her office window!) and they live just on the other side of the East River in Brooklyn.  Josh owns an amazing and successful business online and is an incredible entrepreneur!  They actually met in Europe on a study abroad trip and have been together ever since!  Josh moved to New York a while back, so they've both been there a while.  I got to see New York in ways that I would never have had the chance to!  They know how to get places, where to go and when to go there....I'm not a touristy type traveler anyways, so seeing the other side of NYC was right up my alley.  Cole and I had been a few years ago, but this trip was a whole kind of different that I never imagined it would be.  Brooke and Josh both use to live in the West Village/Greenwich Village area, so I got to see that famous part of NYC and go to the top of the Archive apartment building and see the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.  It was an experience of a lifetime up on that roof and I can't put into words how amazing it was.  I could write a book on the unique things I got to see and do and we still had so much that we didn't have time for.  BUT.....I'm going back.....after the wedding.....and we're taking her wedding dress ;)  Enjoy.